Audience-Chorus Participant Resources - May 2018 - Amateur Music Network

Audience-Chorus Participant Resources – May 2018

Workshop Resources


We are delighted you will be joining us for this exciting choral workshop.

Here are all the details you will need and resources to help you prepare.

Event Logistics

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Workshop: 3:30 pm

Location: Zellerbach Rehearsal Hall Room C
300 Franklin Street (at Hayes), San Francisco
Doors will open at 3.  It will be helpful if you bring your Eventbrite ticket, but we will have a list we can check in case you cannot find it.

Parking: As you may know, Hayes Valley is a difficult place to park. We certainly advise taking public transit if it’s possible for you. However, if you must drive, you should know that there is a Youth Orchestra matinee in addition to the general brunch madness in our neighborhood. So for those who would prefer to know in advance they will have a place to park, we can offer pre-paid parking in the Performing Arts Garage for $20. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you will need to purchase the parking in advance, on our Eventbrite parking page. This offer is only available until April 30.

What you will need: Your music.

We will distribute concert tickets at the workshop.

Concert: 7:30 pm

Location: Davies Symphony Hall
Please come to the box office entrance on Grove Street.
Doors will open at 6:30.  You must bring your concert ticket that you will get at the workshop.

Attire: Dress code is casual/comfortable. Please refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume or hair spray.

A message from Choral Director Ragnar Bohlin

For some time I have been thinking about different ways of having a performance include participatory aspects, to use the room more fully and to also engage the audience. It is with great excitement I invite you to sing these two Bach-chorales with the SFS Chorus, with you out in the hall.

The concert will also include Arvo Pärt’s Te Deum. I will then ask the entire audience to participate in a simple drone in the beginning and end of the piece.

With this we are in a way I’m hoping to help break down the barriers between the performers and the audience, and bring us closer to what music may have been in the past, either in churches or monasteries, or perhaps all the way back to ancient ritual singing and rhythms around a campfire.

Music conveys a prophetical message, which reveals a higher life form towards which humanity is developing. And it is because of this message that music appeals to people of all races and nationalities.

- Arnold Schoenberg

Download your music

please print and bring with you to the workshop

Listen to the repertoire:

(Chorale beings at approximately 6:02)

(please note this performance of  Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring  is in German but we will sing in English)

Pronunciation guide for Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf

Ragnar speaks the German text for you.

Please note:  we will sing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring in English.

Texts and Translations

Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf    (will be sung in German)

Du heilige Brunst, süßer Trost,
nun hilft uns fröhlich und getrost
in dein'm Dienst beständig bleiben,
die Trübsal uns nicht abtreiben!
O Herr, durch dein Kraft uns bereit
und stärk des Fleisches Blödigkeit,
daß wir hier ritterlich ringen,
durch Tod und Leben zu dir dringen.
Halleluja, halleluja!

You holy fire, sweet comfort,
now help us joyfully and confidently
to remain constantly in Your service,
although trouble is not driven away from us!
O Lord, through Your strength prepare us
and sharpen the dullness of the flesh,
so that we might battle here nobly,
pressing to you through death and life.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring   (Jesus bleibet meine Freude)   (will be sung in English)

Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Holy wisdom, love most bright
Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring
Soar to uncreated light.

Word of God, our flesh that fashioned
With the fire of life impassioned
Striving still to truth unknown
Soaring, dying round Thy throne.

Practice tracks for Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf