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Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025 | 3:00 & 6:30 pm

Sing-along workshop with
the Boston Camerata
19th century American spirituals

Join Anne Azéma and Boston Camerata in a pair of sing-along workshops — designed to prepare you to sing as part of We’ll Be There!, their San Francisco concert on Jan 31!

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About the Event

Dates and Times

Wednesday, January 29, 2025   |  3pm and 6:30pm Pacific

Who should attend?

Everyone who wishes to learn more about this American music tradition and participate in an inspiring concert with Boston Camerata!


The Kanbar Center, 44 Page St., San Francisco


3–5pm: Workshop I
for more advanced singers or those who wish for greater immersion

5–6:30pm: Dinner break: pizza provided!

6:30–8:30pm: Workshop II
everyone is welcome!

Is there a cost?

Single workshop: $25
Both workshops: $40

Pay-what-you-can option: we welcome all who wish to join, at whatever level of cost you can afford.
$5 minimum for credit card security.

If “pay what you can” means you can pay a little more and support the work of AMN — many thanks!!

How do I prepare?

Download your music and learn the part. Videos are provided for your reference.

Tell me more about participating in the concert!

Boston Camerata will be performing on Friday, Jan. 31 at 7:30pm.
Location: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 1111 O’Farrell, San Francisco

All attendees must have concert tickets, which will be available to purchase at the workshop (with pay-what-you-can option available).
All workshop attendees will have access to special seating and will be welcomed onstage to sing the workshop repertoire.


About the Mentors

Meet our distinguished mentors for this program: Anne Azéma and Boston Camerata

French-born vocalist, scholar and stage director Anne Azéma has directed The Boston Camerata since 2008 and the French ensemble Aziman, which she founded, since 2005. Intensely engaged since her student days with the song repertoire of the Middle Ages, she is esteemed as a charismatic solo performer. But she is also widely admired for her creative skill in building and directing complete musical productions of varied styles and periods, both for her recital programs and for larger ensemble forces (concert and stage) in Europe and the United States.


The Boston Camerata occupies a unique place in the densely populated universe of European and American early music ensembles. Camerata’s distinguished rank stems partly from its longevity: founded in 1954, when the field of endeavor was in its infancy, as an adjunct to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts’ musical instruments collection, Camerata is now one of the longest-lived groups to be vigorously functioning up to the present day.

Workshop Materials

Download your music

Pretty Home


Watch a performance of Pretty Home on Vimeo

Roll Call

Watch a performance of Roll Call on Vimeo

Learn more about the repertoire on this concert

    Watch an interview about the concert repertoire on Vimeo

    Prof. Stephen Marini and Joel Cohen discuss the fascinating history behind We’ll Be There!

    Thank you!


    Thank you to our partner, San Francisco Early Music Society.

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