a partnership of Amateur Music Network, SFCM Continuing Education, and the San Francisco Symphony

We're sorry that the COVID-19 social distancing order means that we cannot plan to have the Orchestra Fantasy Camp in 2020. We hope you will join us in future years. Stay tuned for updates on future events.
The excerpts below are for our cancelled workshop which was to be focused on Scheherazade. These will be updated as we plan for the future.
Use these downloads to prepare your audio or video recording
Please prepare the excerpts provided for your instrument in your submission.
Violinists: If you wish to be considered for concert master, please play that excerpt in addition to the other violin excerpts.
Percussionists: If you wish to be considered for the timpani part, please play that excerpt in addition to the other percussion excerpts.
If you have questions
Please email usĀ at info@amateurmusic.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.